
How lowering speed limits in an urban highway affects traffics performance and emissions: the case of Madrid M-30 ring-road


The city of Madrid keeps not meeting the GHG and air pollutant limits set by the European legislation. A broad range of strategies have being taken into account to reduce both types of emissions; however traffic management meas ures are usually consigned to the sidelines. In 2004, Madrid City Council launched a plan to re-design its inner ring-road supported by a socioeconomic study that evaluated the environmental and operational benefits of the project. For safety reasons the planned speed limit for the tunnel section was finally reduced from 90km/h to 70km/h. Using a Macroscopic Traffic Model and the European Air Pollutant and Emissions Inventory Guidebook (EMEP/EEA), this paper examines the environmental and traffic performance consequences of this decision. Results support the thesis that reduced speed limits leads to GHG and air pollution reductions in the area affected by the measure without substantially altering traffic performance. The implementation of the new speed limit policy brings about a 15% and 16% reduction in both CO2 and NOx emissions respectively. Emissions’ reduction during off-peak hours is larger than during peak hours

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