
Improvement in uterine artery doppler indices via hysteroscopic metroplasty


Objective: the objective of our research was to study uterine artery doppler indices and their evolution over time after metroplasty and subsequent pregnancy in patients whose septate uterus was the only explanation for infertility. Materials and Methods: a retrospective study. The uterine arteries of 78 patients with septate uteri were evaluated using endovaginal color doppler ultrasound before and after metroplasty. Fifty-one patients became pregnant after metroplasty and were selected as study group, pregnancy occurred within 17 months. By comparing uterine artery doppler indices before and after metroplasty, we observed that the resistive index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) post surgery were significantly lower compared to pre-metroplasty levels. Results: all pregnant women in the study Group showed uterine resistive indexes within normal ranges, they all underwent scheduled cesarean intervention. Gestational evolution was normal in all patients (mean score of Apgar and birth weight); no neonatal complications were observed. Conclusion: metroplastic intervention in women with septate uterus as the sole cause of infertility may be a plausible alternative for patients wishing to carry a pregnancy

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