Progetto di Ricerca LARS (Laboratorio di Ricerca
Infermieristica Agenzia Regionale alla Sanità, Friuli Venezia Giulia).
Studio osservazionale sugli esiti dei modelli organizzativi
assistenziali delle medicine, su infermieri, su pazienti
ed organizzazione.
No large scale studies have been conducted in
Italy to assess factors that influence hospital nurses’
Aims. To explore the relationship between participative
organizative models and outcomes on
nurses (work satisfaction, burnout, intention to
stay), patients (satisfaction with quality of care)
and organization (nurses turnover).
Materials and methods. This multicentre regional
study involves 20 acute medical wards and more
than 500 nurses. Data on the organizative model
adopted in the ward will be collected with an
ad hoc questionnaire with scores from 7 (scarcelimited
involvement of nurses in decision making)
to 35 (nurses take decisions on the management
of the ward). Nurses satisfaction with their
work is measured with the Nursing Work Index
Revised; burnout with the Maslack Burnout Inventory;
patients satisfaction with the Experiences
of Nursing Care Scale Newcastle Satisfaction
with Nursing Scale. The outcomes considered
for the organization will be turnover, absences
from work, injuries.
Resultats. The study is ongoing. The association
of each outcome to the organizzative model
will be explored. Multivariate regression model
will be adjusted for casemix index of the previuos
year. T test and chi square tests will be
used and a p value of 0.05 will be considered