
Residual disease and presence of human papillomavirus after conization


The development of invasive carcinoma following treatment by loop excision biopsy is considered a failure of treatment In this study we evaluate human papillomavirus deoxyribonucleic acid testing after conization in predicting residual disease. In 56 of 58 patients (96.6%), HPV DNAs were detected in their primary cervical lesions prior to conization. Up to August 2000, all of the 58 patients have been followed with a mean follow-up period of 31.8 months (range: 12 to 73 months). After treatment, HPV DNA was persistently detected in 11 (19.6%) but negative in 45 (80.4%) of 56 HPV DNA-positive patients. Five of 11 persistently HPV DNA-positive patients (45.5%) developed CIN recurrence, while none of 45 persistently HPV DNA-negative patients did. This study confirms an exellent sensitivity and negative predictive value of HPV-DNA testing after conization in predicting residual cervical neoplasia

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