
TMD in migraneurs: a static stabilometric study


OBJECTIVE: Aims of the study were to assess the stabilometric pattern in a TMD population with migraine and to evaluate the role of static stabilometry as an important tool in the clinical practice to quantify postural analysis in TMD and migraine patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We recruited 3 samples. The first one with TMD and heada he symptom; the second one consisted in a migraneurs population and the third one was a healthy group. All subjects submitted to a stomathognatic visit for diagnosis of TMD in according to international RDC/TMD criteria, a neurological visit to make diagnosis of primary headache (IHS criteria, 2004) and stabilometric tests (1.open eyes, 2.closed eyes, 3. hyperextended head, 4.with cotton rolls). RESULTS: We found that TMD patients showed an high percentage of migraine diagnosis (90%) and that TMD patients with migraine presented a muscular involvement in the neck district, more than healthy controls. CONCLUSIONS: We showed that there is a strong association between TMD and migraine and an increase of myogenous tension in the neck area is frequent in TMDs, particularly when they are associated with migraine. We suggest that stabilometry could represent a valid tool in the postural approach of TMD and migraine patients

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