
Nebraska’s place as an international agricultural epicenter is important for feeding a hungry world, but the work that makes that position possible is truly incredible. Thanks to research conducted at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln by many of the world’s finest scientists, discoveries are being made that improve the health of all kingdoms – plant, animal, human and the natural environment. The UNL Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources scientists are Growing a Healthy Future through their work in laboratories on campus and in the laboratories of the world – fields, rivers, pastures, feedlots, swine facilities, hen houses, zoos and public health clinics. They are the pioneers who are learning to prevent and cure plant, animal and human diseases and protect the biodiversity of the natural environment. We are fortunate to have outstanding programs and facilities in addition to outstanding people, among them: the Nebraska Center for Virology; Nebraska Center for Prevention of Obesity Diseases; UNL Center for Biotechnology; Doctor of Plant Health program; Gut Function Initiative; Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center; School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; and the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center. The scientists in these programs and facilities are protecting the health and well-being of all. University of Nebraska scientists from all four campuses and the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, as well as other educational institutions are reaching out to one another, bringing in scientists from around the world and working together to learn more about the biology shared by all living things. They are using that knowledge to grow a healthier future for all of us. In this 2015 Strategic Discussions for Nebraska publication, you will find stories that explain the importance of One Environment, One Health: Animals, Plants and Us. Many stories refer to the concept of One Health, which was first articulated in the early 2000s by the United States veterinary community. Concern that animal disease might jump from animal to human initiated the One Health concept, which explains that all kingdoms are interlinked. As you read this publication, you will learn about astounding progress in solving the puzzles of disease, saving crops, lives and billions of dollars in economic activity. A friend’s daughter had a third-grade teacher who taped a memorable phrase to the wall of the classroom: “Through hard work and perseverance, you have the potential to achieve excellence.” That’s quite a goal for a class of eight-year-olds, but here at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, our hard work and perseverance are reaping excellence that is improving the health of the environment, plants, animals – and us

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