
Calx, a Na-Ca exchanger gene of Drosophila melanogaster


We have cloned Calx, a gene that encodes a Na-Ca exchanger of Drosophila melanogaster. Calx encodes two repeated motifs, Calx-α and Calx-β, that overlap domains required for exchanger activity and regulation. Calx has multiple transcripts in adults, including at least one expressed in the retina. The Calx genomic locus comprises ≥35 kb between the Atpα and rudimentary-like genes in chromosomal region 93B. In Xenopus oocytes, microinjected Calx cRNA induces calcium uptake like that of its homolog, the 3Na^+-1Ca^(2+) exchanger of mammalian heart. Implications of Calx-α motifs for the mechanism of Na-Ca exchange are discussed

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