
Photoproduction of Positive Mesons from Hydrogen: Results


The center-of-mass differential cross section for photoproduction of positive pions from hydrogen has been measured by the methods described in the two previous abstracts, in the angular range 40° to 150°, for photons from 220 to 475 Mev. (Photon energies refer to the Laboratory System.) Results obtained by the two methods are in essential agreement. At 90°, dσ/dω has a maximum of 2.7 X 10^(-29) cm^2/sterad near 280 Mev and falls by a factor 5 at 450 Mev. The maximum in the excitation curve is even more pronounced at larger angles, but less pronounced at smaller ones. At 40° (c.m.) the peak occurs near 350 Mev and at 450 Mev the cross section has decreased only to 0.7 the, peak value. Angular distributions in the center-of-mass system show a marked assymetry about 90°, which changes character from low energy to high. Below 325 Mev, there ii a backward maximum, whereas above 375 Mev, there is a forward maximum. The total cross section reaches a maximum near 290 Mev and decreases by about a factor 3 at 450 Mev. The results below 300 Mev agree with the data already reported from Berkeley and Cornell

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