
Pockets of Proterozoic hydrocarbons and implications for the Archaean


Precambrian biomarkers convey invaluable information about the early evolution of life, ancient ecosystems, redox conditions, climate and depositional environment and prospective petroleum systems. They are however thermally unstable, easily obliterated by contamination and thus extremely difficult to find. This is particularly true if conditions favourable for biomarker preservation had to prevail for more than 2.5 billion years – the prerequisite for finding Archaean biomarkers. Many organic geochemists abandoned this hope after original discoveries of Archaean biomarkers proved to be of younger origin [1,2] but our study of ca. 550-825 Ma old sediments from the Centralian Superbasin now shows that biomarkers can be preserved in distinctive pockets in seemingly barren areas, even if sections are metamorphosed in parts. Most Centralian sections seem empty. Yet, eventually we identified intervals with preserved biomarkers in three drill cores. A detailed investigation of 825 Ma sediments in drill core Mt Charlotte-1 revealed maturity variations that are most likely due to hydrothermal influence and in turn control the hydrocarbon preservation. Sediments might appear metamorphosed after localized, subtle alteration by hydrothermal fluids but protected intervals can still contain biomarkers. The same might be true for Archaean sediments and we might still find those protected intervals with indigenous biomarkers that allow us to glimpse the early life on earth

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