
Report of the Advisory Committee in Seismology


The Advisory Committee in Seismology has pleasure in reporting the continued progress of its study of California earth movements during the year 1924-1925 without essential change of plan. A considerable amount of geologic work in the study of fault zones has been done during the year in the Mojave Desert and in Death Valley, the system of primary triangulation for the detection and measurement of horizontal displacements has progressed rapidly and effectively, and the development of suitable instruments for determining the two horizontal components of local earth movements has progressed to completion. Ground for a new laboratory has been purchased by the California Institute of Technology and the construction of the central station laboratory building upon it has been begun. The laboratory is expected to be occupied by Mr. H. O. Wood, Research Associate in Seismology, and his associates, about January 1, 1926. It is hoped that additional stations will also be occupied before the close of the present calendar year (1925), and that actual work in what has been happily termed the seismologic triangulation of California will be successfully inaugurated

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