
Tropospheric methane retrieved from ground-based near-IR solar absorption spectra


High-resolution near-infrared solar absorption spectra recorded between 1977 and 1995 at the Kitt Peak National Solar Observatory are analyzed to retrieve column abundances of methane (CH_4), hydrogen fluoride (HF), and oxygen (O_2). Employing a stratospheric “slope equilibrium” relationship between CH_4 and HF, the varying contribution of stratospheric CH_4 to the total column is inferred. Variations in the CH_4 column due to changes in surface pressure are determined from the O_2 column abundances. By this technique, CH_4 tropospheric volume mixing ratios are determined with a precision of ∼0.5%. These display behavior similar to Mauna Loa in situ surface measurements, with a seasonal peak-to-peak amplitude of approximately 30 ppbv and a nearly linear increase between 1977 and 1983 of 18.0 ± 0.8 ppbv yr^(−1), slowing significantly after 1990

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