
Two Early Statements about Michelangelo 'not in Steinmann-Wittkower'. Auszüge aus: Niccolò Franco, Le pistole vulgari di M. Nicolo Franco (Venedig 1539) (FONTES 42)


"Two Early Statements about Michelangelo not in Steinmann-Wittkower" presents two extracts from Niccolò Franco’s "Pistole vulgari" (Venice 1539). FONTES 42 is No. 6 in a series of early "Sources and Documents for Michelangelo Buonarroti"; see: FONTES 12 (Paolo Giovio), FONTES 20 (Giorgio Vasari), FONTES 23 (Benedetto Varchi), FONTES 34 (Ascanio Condivi), and FONTES 35 (Anonymous, in: Giacomo Filippo Forresti). Franco’s "Pistole" of 1539 is one of the first published collections of Italian letters. Franco’s text constitutes an early example of Venetian art criticism that places Venetian artists alongside Michelangelo in the first rank of artists. Franco proposes a new triumvirate of first artists including Michelangelo, Titian, and Jacopo Sansovino

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