
The 3D Architecture of Interphase Microtubule Cytoskeleton and Functions of Microtubule Plus End Tracking Proteins in Fission Yeast


The microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton is important for establishing polar growth in the rod-shaped fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe). In these cells, MTs form an architectural scaffold of the cell by positioning organelles such as the nucleus and mitochondria. Interphase MTs are arranged in bundles along the cell’s long axis. The filaments start growing in the cell’s middle in a zone of anti-parallel overlap, from which the more dynamic plus ends of MTs extend towards both cell ends. After cell division the cell grows exclusively from the old end (away from the septum), where the growth machinery is still present from the mother cell. New end take off (NETO) occurs after about a third of the way through the cell cycle, when F-actin has moved into the new end. From this point onwards maintenance of polar growth is MT independent and occurs at both cell ends. Guidance of the microtubules to the cell ends is performed by plus end tracking proteins (+TIPs), such as Tea1 and Tip1 (Clip-170). Tea1 is a landmark protein localizing to the cell ends. Tip1 is an anti-catastrophe factor that prevents MT depolymerization before the filament has reached the cell end. The delivery of Tip1 to MT ends is motors dependent and another +TIP, Mal3, anchors it at the MT end. Mal3 (EB1) stabilizes MTs, possibly by fortify its seem. Here we describe a large-scale, electron tomography investigation of wild-type (WT) S. pombe cells, including the first 3D reconstruction of a complete eukaryotic cell volume. Sufficient resolution to show both how many MTs there are in a bundle and their detailed architecture was achieved. Most cytoplasmic MTs are open at one end and capped at the other, providing evidence about their polarity. Electron-dense bridges between the MTs themselves and between MTs and the nuclear envelope were frequently observed. Finally, we have investigated structure/function relationships between MTs and both mitochondria and vesicles. Using the same approach, we then analyzed the bundle architechture in tip1Δ and mal3Δ mutants. MTs were half the length of WT in mal3Δ and a quarter the length of WT in tip1Δ. Further, there were less than half as many MTs in a bundle in tip1Δ then in WT. In contrast, mal3Δ bundles no difference in the amount of filaments in a bundle. However, structural differences of the MT lattice were observed in both mutants. The interaction between MTs and the spindle pole body was altered in both strains. Our analysis shows that electron tomography of well-preserved cells is ideally suited for describing fine ultrastructural details that were not visible with previous techniques

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