The Peasant Child in Sacred Time – the Educational Contexts (From the Middle Ages Until the Present)


The article presents important historical and pedagogical issues. The study analyses the functioning of the peasant child during sacred time to show the impact of this time on the child’s upbringing. It specifi cally underlines the importance of participation in the communal ritualised handling of holidays in the rites of both the Church calendar and nature, which impacts the traditional standards of conduct in certain situations. Apart from providing a sense of security and belonging, the rituals prepared the child for participation in culture. The analysis included aspects such as pilgrimages, participation in Holy Masses and, more broadly, in the life of the parish, including parish schools which have been an important part of socialization in the rural society. The authors show that participating in sacred time infl uenced the existence of the peasant child also in secular time and was a good opportunity for personal development

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