New challenges in regional economics: an overview


[Extract] Since its beginnings, regional economics has tried to explain the uneven economic development across the spatial landscape, and the different behaviour of regions in response to local and global changes. The main challenges for this discipline are, thus, the identification of the sources of varying regional performances, and the provision of assistance to policy makers for dealing with social and economic problems arising from regional disparities.\ud \ud Especially with the accession of twelve new Member States between 2004 and 2007, the disparities within the EU in economic, social and territorial terms have increased tremendously. For instance the GDP per capita in Luxembourg in purchasing power parities was, in 2006, more than 280 percent of the EU27 average, while Bulgaria and Romania were both about 60 percent below that average (Eurostat 2007). But also within single Member States, growth performance is concentrated in the most dynamic regions as, for example, capital regions and urban centres, and lagging behind in, above all, rural and peripheral areas

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