Management by objectives: the supervisor's role in MBO in China


Management by Objectives (MBO) is now a recognized management tool. Studies on MBO have focused on many aspects of the process, including such fundamental\ud components as goal setting, participation, and feedback (Rodgers & Hunter, 1991). However, the success of MBO also depends on effective implementation strategies (Stein, 1975). This paper examines the concept of MBO in a cross-cultural setting, using a post mortem study of goal setting and implementation among two groups of Chinese undergraduate management students in Guangzhou. In addition, cursory reference is accorded to a small study of goal setting by Chinese business school academics in Guangzhou. Attention is paid to the implementation strategies used by these different groups in the pursuit of their goals because goal setting alone cannot guide either Chinese management students or academics in MBO in the light of the influence of the high-context Chinese culture. In China, the role of the supervisor (one's immediate manager or line supervisor) must be factored into the MBO process because the strength of this social capital can affect an individual's perseverance and goal setting behaviour. In these circumstances, the supervisor's role is a determining factor in the success of MBO in Chinese settings

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