The importance of social research for public engagement in bio-control releases: the case of the Eliminate Dengue project


[Extract] Our central purpose is the development of more\ud ethical, effective, stakeholder-directed and contextsensitive\ud engagement strategies in Australia and\ud Viet Nam. To achieve this, we use anthropology's\ud proven systematic approach to social research to\ud provide a platform for stakeholder engagement\ud and draw on anthropological insights and research\ud techniques to identify and develop solutions to\ud issues that might impede the uptake of a biological\ud initiative for dengue fever control (hereafter the\ud Wolbachia method). At present, we are working\ud closely with those likely to be affected by a Wolbachia\ud intervention to negotiate, design and implement\ud public engagement strategies in northern\ud Australia and, from May 2009, in Viet Nam

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