
Дослідження поняття «лакуна» у лінгвістиці (A study of the notion «Lacuna» in linguistic)


У статті досліджено специфіку поняття «лакуна» з огляду на теоретичні бачення науковців, яке подається як різноваріантне лінгвістичне та культурне явище. Проаналізовано місце лакуни та її функціонування у лінгвістиці. Обґрунтована необхідність подальших досліджень та розвідок, оскільки термін «лакуна» у світлі лінгвістики має широку понятійну структуру та є складним лінгвістичним явищем. (When comparing the vocabulary of several languages can be identified gaps, white spots in the semantics of one of the languages. These gaps are called lexical lacunas and they appear as a result of no equivalent as a word to a word of another language. Lacunas can be revealed only by comparing and contrastive studies. All lacunas can be compensated by free and temporary phrases. In recent decades, the theory of lacunarity is actively growing, but domestic researches in this aspect are not enough yet. Being in contact with other culture (othercultural text), the recipient intuitively perceives it through the prism of their local culture, thus misunderstanding of different kinds inevitably arises. In the science literature you can find a variety of concepts, terms that indicate differences in languages and cultures in general, from a purely scientific and accurate (nonequivalent vocabulary, occasional gaps, ethnoeydema), to less clear – dark places. The attempts to fix the differences in languages and cultures using the term «gar» (space) take place in the foreign literature. In domestic science the most interesting are attempts to describe these differences using the concept of «lacuna». The phenomenon of lacunarity has been the subject of attention of researchers recently – in the last 3-4 decades. This is shown the lack of a unified methodological approach as well as the definition of the term «lacuna» that would satisfy all researchers. In this regard, the problem of representation of the term «lacuna» in linguistics is still actual. This paper investigates the specific concept of «lacuna» in view of the theoretical vision of scientists, which served as various linguistic and cultural phenomenon. Analyzed the place of lacuna and its role in linguistics. Substantiated the necessity for further research and studies, as the term «lacuna» in the light of linguistics has a broad conceptual framework and is a complex linguistic phenomenon

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