
Лінгвальні засоби створення експресивності в епістолярному дискурсі


У статті здійснена спроба аналізу епістолярного тексту з лінгвостилістичних позицій. Розглядаються найбільш уживані засоби вираження емоційності та експресивної оцінності на лексичному, морфологічному та синтаксичному мовному рівнях. (The article is an attempt to analyze the epistolary text from linguostylistic positions. In modern linguistics there is an interest to the functual approach to the study of a text used for the analysis of its lingual and non-linguval factors. The problem of expressivity formation of an epistolary text, the study of its internal and external manifestations, influence on a recipient’s emotional state etc. requires a thorough scientific reseach. The aim of the article is to identify and describe means of expressivity formation in Ukrainian epistory text from semantic and pragmatic positions; to determine their ability to perform communicative function in a specific social and objective context. Epistolary text is a structural and compositional, communicative and pragmatic, semantic unit, characterized by connectivity, integrity and completeness. The speaker’s speech intention adressed to his companion and it is verbally designed in expression. The speaker’s speech intention is characterized by object-semantic content and expressive-evaluative colour, but at the same time in different forms of verbal communication emotional effect has different meanings and power. Total text expressiveness is presented as an integrated result of realisation of its such features as affectability, affective evaluation, imagery, intensity, stylistic nuance, structural and compositional features etc. Expressivity as a feature of epistolary text – is a complex stylistic category, which includes a number of mental, social and linguistic factors and appears as an intensification of text expressivity by intensfication of imagery, emotivity, evaluation; by increasing the potency of expression, its emotional stress. In this article the author considers the most common means of expressing affectability and expressivity in Ukrainian epistolary texts on lexical, derivational, morphological and syntactic linguistic levels. They are expressives, phraseological units, quality-estimated nouns and adjectives, emotional exclamations, particles, means of expressive syntax etc. By using emotionally expressive vocabulary, the letter-writer discovers his own attitude to expressed information and to the subject of the speech.

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