
Спільність із «чужим» через розуміння: дескрипції феномену гостинності у філософській герменевтиці (Community with the ‘Stranger’ through understanding: the descriptions of the hospitality phenomenon in philosophical hermeneutics)


Філософська герменевтика, позначена прагненням осмислити проблему Чужого через «вживання», через безпосереднє осягнення духовної цілісності, через здатність постати на місце Іншого чи проникнути до іншої свідомості через зовнішнє позначення, – орієнтована на можливий збіг, спільність із Чужим через розуміння. Саме з цих позицій автор інтерпретує проблему гостинності як механізм порозуміння з Чужим у філософській герменевтиці (The actualization of the Stranger correlates the cultural states when as a result of changes in culture systems the cosmos of human existence collapses: in such periods Strange occasionally disquiets us because of the need to decide on a new configuration of the universe on the axis ‘Friend-Foe’ and reconsider the criteria of ethic attitude to the representatives of a different culture. In the present randomized world, when neither true estrangement nor true ‘friendment’ exist, when «we do not expect guests and are stranger to hospitality (J. Baudrillard), – an individual strives to discover and comprehend the Stranger, – primarily as a mirror to see and recognize himself. As regards the hospitality Baudrillard feels nostalgic for, in his opinion, it is hospitality that makes cultures as they are, since the Guest is always the Stranger. Philosophical hermeneutics, which evolved from the art of text interpretation/explanation through the theory of comprehension to the art of understanding others’ individuality and the theory of principles of the humanities, seeks to comprehend the Stranger, by eliminating ‘obstacles’ for understanding relics texts which belong to dissimilar and alien cultures, through a dialogue between an interpreter and text, through transforming into the author – «getting the feel of another» (F. Schleirmacher); understand an individual’s inner world, the outside world and culture of the past through immediate understanding the spiritual integrity (W. Dilthey); understand own self due to being able to take the place of another and look at self from there (H.-G. Gadamer); penetrate the other consciousness through outer marking (P. Ricceur). If in phenomenology the experience of the ‘Stranger’ – is the experience of discrepancy, dissimilarity, diversity, philosophical hermeneutics focuses on possible coincidence, integrity with the ‘stranger’ by understanding (a ‘strange’ text). From this standpoint the author interprets hospitality as a mechanism to come to an understanding with the Stranger in philosophical hermeneutics

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