
Маніпулювання емоціями в ситуаціях сімейного спілкування


Стаття присвячена дослідженню засобів, що використовуються комунікантами у міжособистісному спілкуванні в сімейному дискурсі для маніпулювання емоціями адресата з метою досягнення бажаної мети. (The article deals with the means used by the communicants in interpersonal conversations in family discourse to manipulate the addressee’s emotions to reach the desirable effect. The situations looked into in the article are taken from the «Devious Maids» original TV show. The material chosen for the analysis enables the insight into the linguistic as well as extra linguistic context of the discourse situation. The article studies behavioural patterns of the spouses having lived together long enough to know each other’s emotional weaknesses, which makes it easy to manipulate their partner’s feelings and emotions handpicking the vocabulary and the way of delivering the messages. The author argues that the desirable manipulative effect in the interpersonal communication could be reached only due to a number of factors, such as good knowledge of your partner, the right vocabulary and perfect understanding of the appropriateness of the situation.

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