Design Management Institute (Boston, United States)
Due to the evolving role of development organisations over the years, critical questions are being asked of their accountability and performance throughout the development literature. The complexity of the challenges these organisations are facing are accelerating faster than can be addressed with traditional, analytically based management approaches. The design community has much to say on how it can play a more significant role in this context. Consolidating an in-depth literature review with applied, hands-on and in-the-field experience, we propose new perspectives on how more human-centred design approaches assist development organisations. Particularly, how these organisations may achieve greater social accountability by moving beyond quantitative measures in defining and delivering initiatives to address real human needs. In addition we extend Buchanan's 2001 seminal body of work which introduced the role of human centred design as affirming human dignity through the empowering of people and communities to engage in decisions that work for them rather than being recipients of external and sometimes misaligned "solutions" to them. Our work is relevant to a mixed audience comprised of designers, development managers, donor organisations, and other actors involved in the design of new futures for marginalised populations in developing countries