
Developmental Issues in Africa: "A Sustainable Development Process or A Process of Robbing Peter to Pay Paul" (The Nigerian Construction Industry Scenario)


The title of this pape1· is a question f01· which an answe1· is 1·equh-ed 01· demanded. It p1·e-supposes that in most Afl"ican countl"ies the1·e had been halting mthe1· than sustainable pmg1·ess. No wonde1· theref01·e that f01· many decades now, if not centudes, countl"ies in Afl"ica have 1·emained classified eithe1· as unde1·-developed, developing, thii·d wodd, name it, even afte1· many yeai"S of independence. This is not to say that in some instances both the political and economic decisions 01· policies had not been sound on some issues intended to 1·emove and 1·esist this derogato1·y tag but that in many other instances it has been mbbing Pete1· to pay Paul. Even when we have om· HEADS and HANDS full of IDEAS and TECHNOLOGIES locally developed 01· som-ced fmm those who gave us names we do not want to, 01· should not, answe1· 01· accept, yet we have ve1·y little to show. The question is why? This paper the1·ef01·e has tl"ied to look at the scenal"io in the Nigel"ia Consti·uction Industi·y to see whe1·e the industi·y has been hitting the ta1·gets in te1·m of development and whe1·e not f01· whateve1· 1·easons and to pmvoke thoughts and deep thoughts in the consti·uction industi·y and ueate awa1·eness in othe1· a1·eas by highlighting avenues fo1· b1·eakthmughs to 1·emove the yoke of unde1·development and, just may be fo1· once, be in cha1·ge of om· own destinies. P1·e-consti·uction, consti·uction and post-consti·uction phases of development all have ti·emendous impact on om· development and implementation pmgmmmes. This fact we often ign01·e, both as individuals 01· gove1·nment agencies as shall be seen in this essay. Ignomnce of this fact is ueating imbalances in om· development pmgmmmes amounting to mbbing Peter to pay Paul

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