
The Effectiveness of the Extract of 'Hyptis Sauveolens' Leave (A Specie of Effinrin) in Repelling Mosquito


Are there valid, healthier options when it comes to repelling our fine buzzing and biting friends? Some ideas for natural insect repellents fall into the category of folklore, myth and urban legends, but other natural remedies can be an effective means of protecting yourself and your loved ones from biting bugs and harsh chemicals. The use of active ingredient in plants as successful pest control in recent years can never be over emphasized . Apart from the hazards caused by the established pesticides and insecticides to man and live stock, they are very expensive to purchase, therefore they are no more within the reach of many Nigerians. Moreover, chemical control technology is subjected to the predicament of unstable foreign exchange. In the light of these shortcomings it becomes inevitable to research into local sources of insecticides that would be cheap and readily available to individuals. This paper focuses on the extraction of the active ingredient in Hyptis sauveolens and incorporating it into a locally produced cream using different quantities. According to the results, the three samples with the active ingredient in different ratios were discovered to be active and effective. The sample with the highest concentration of the active ingredient was found to be most effective in repelling mosquito (0.5ml)

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