
Energy and The Environment; Analysis of the causes, Consequences and Remedies to Deforestation and Global Warming


The research paper gives a detail consideration to the relationship between energy and the environment. The paper reveals that; the increasing supply and use of energy has a serious environmental impact both locally and globally, a link which is attributed to the massive increase in emissions of green house gases as the search for alternative energy sources increases. The research is anchored on analyzing the impact of energy utilization on the environment a case study of deforestation and global warming. Attempt was made in this research work to highlights the energy need of the people and the resulting environmental hazards in an attempt to meet up with this huge energy demand. The bedrock of this research paper is l:o give an indebt revelation into the causes, consequences and remedies to deforestation and global warming which is acclaimed one of the worst environmental problems that is threatening the existence of man

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