
The Politics and Sociology of Corruption in Nigeria's Fourth Republic


Rhetorics and promises by politicians in the campaign trail are o.fien not delivered to the people as a result of their interest in carting away puhlic funds for. thereby rendering their followers pauperized. Good governance is ensured in a corruption-free environment. This paper appraises the on-going campaign against corruption in Nigeria. especially during the Fourth Republic. The paper. argues that corruption is one of the worst problems, hindering Nigeria's progress in socio-economic growth and development. Some non-governmental Otganizations and civil society/liberty associations have been promoting anticorruption crusades but there is needfor wider publicity on the cancerous monster ravaging the nation. The fight against corruption in Nigeria requires thorough access to useful information for the masses. The paper pointed out that curbing corruption has to do with full awareness of its devastating efi'ects and how the political elites as well as leaders in power are playing with peoples' well being. In the light of this, the paper recommends a national rebirth/reorientation on anticorruption in Nigeria. Enthroning a value system tlzat rejects corruption in all levels o.fsociety will add to the fight against corruption. In addition. government should empower the masses through provision of infrastructure and amenities needed for elltrepreneurial skills/vocational acquisition to flourish and thereby reduce the extent ofpoverty in the country

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