Qing Imperial Mandalic Architecture for Gelugpa Pontiffs between Beijing, Inner Mongolia and Amdo


This article discusses a particular architectural style of Gelugpa monasteries’ assembly halls (dugang) adopted in Inner Mongolia, Mongolia and China during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: the huilang-style dugang, “dugang [adopting] the style of galleries [taking the shape of the character] hui” 回廊式. It is a large square temple with a central skylight, that can be built with Chinese and/or Tibetan construction techniques and materials. The second floor consists in galleries or rooms arranged around a courtyard surrounding the central skylight: this concentric layout forms a three-dimensional mandala. Seen from the exterior, the complexity of the inner structure remains unsuspected. Chinese sources present it as modelled on the architecture of the Potala palace. The most prestigious examples of this style are Dalaimiao of Xihuangsi (Beijing, 1651-52, destroyed), Shanyinsi’s main dugang (Sira süme, Dolonnor, Inner Mongolia, 1727-31, destroyed), and Amur bayasqulangtu keyid’s main dugang (Mongolia, 1727-36, preserved). Two of these temples have a curious system of hollow pillars that drain off rainwater.Although this architecture was especially appreciated by the Manchu emperors, other temples possess a comparable elevation in Inner Mongolia. By discussing the genesis of this style, the possible sources of inspiration in the Kukunor region, and its diffusion in Mongolia and China, I will attempt to offer a new interpretation of the Qings’ purpose in building such monasteries.清朝為北京的活佛建造在北京,內蒙古和青海的曼陀羅建築 人們說,清朝時期的一種漢藏佛寺是以拉薩普陀羅宮的仿建築。在這些建築當中最令我感興趣的是,他們是乾隆皇帝以前造的建築 (比如呼和浩特的五塔寺)。在滿清皇帝十七世紀建的蒙古和中國三座寺廟,回廊式的經堂像一個立體式曼陀羅,類似古西藏回廊式佛寺,這種式樣最古老的例子是於1651-1652順治黃帝下旨造的北京黃寺的達賴樓。達賴樓按照普陀羅宮的形式建築作為達賴喇嘛拜訪北京時的府邸。可惜的是,我們現在對這座顯赫的建築只能從照片及文字上來了解。 在1727,雍正皇帝下旨在外蒙古興建了慶寧寺(Amarbayasgalant)為了安置第一世哲布尊丹巴呼图克图札那巴札尔的舍利。同年,皇帝下旨在內蒙古多羅諾爾興建善因寺做為章嘉呼图克图(內蒙古其主要的活佛)的府邸。 幸虧有於此建築師雷金玉 1659-1729,這個時代北京宮殿的主要建築師上的文字記載的保存,及其建築的描述,加上當時的照片,本文章能呈現多羅諾爾的寺廟(至今只保存三座)和慶寧寺按照原本的模型及他們的經堂,乃至令人驚訝的細部描寫,比如有排水功能的空心柱。很顯然的是,這兩座經堂是仿黃寺達賴樓建造。這三座佛寺,巨大且昂貴--十萬白銀兩--相較於當時,其建寺花費高於其它佛寺的費用。由此可見,三位藏蒙主要活佛受到滿清皇帝同等的尊崇。盡管其中兩座已遭受破壞,從僅存的中文資料及當代照片來看,我們仍然有足夠的訊息了解當時建寺歷史。若無這兩座佛寺的書面材料,我們就無法進一步了解當時滿清寺廟建築。 這三座清皇帝下旨建造的佛寺其實與拉薩布達大拉宫沒有極大的關係,而受到了安多(清海)地區及古代或仿古的佛寺啟發。至於五塔(寺) ,如回廊式,其完建樣貌與仿印度或西藏原貌有很大的出入;可是中國的模成為新的建築類形。乾隆皇帝下旨仿造完全模仿的這些外國建築的技術讓人看不出來這些是假的,所以他的建造目的與前幾代皇帝不同。我也研究了建築的來源、可能得到的啟發、及其在蒙古的散佈範圍。然而在蒙古此類建築風格只是部分被按受並遭到修改

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