Un assemblage au nom d'Amenemhat Ier dans les magasins du temple de Louxor


Two broken limestone slabs, stored in the Luxor temple magazine and carefully documented by the team of the Chicago Oriental Institute, bear fragments of the titulatury of king Amenemhet Ist. As the blocks have apparently been sawn and recut, they can be considered as reused material, and may have been brought from other sites of the theban area. It is a matter of fact that several pieces found in the vicinity of Luxor temple precisely originate from Karnak. It is also well known that Amenemhet Ist worked at Karnak and, significantly, dedicated there a granit naos-basis for the sacred sanctuary of god Amun-Râ. On the other hand, no archeological element can guaranty that the temple of Luxor could be older than the reign of Sobekhotep II, and nothing can of course be there related to that of Amenemhat Ist. I would consider it plausible that the two blocks published here in memory of Bill Murnane -- who had mentionned to me their existence -- constitute the remains of one of the oldest temple dedicated to Amun at Karnak.They would have reappeared after the dismantling of the sanctuary and the subsequent recuperation of the building material, brough then to the site of Luxor

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