Numerical computation of turbulent incompressible flow around aerofoils


The present study aims at calculation of 2D turbulent13; flow around aerofoil and its wake by solving the non-13; -linear coupled system of elliptic differential equations13; of motion for two-dimensional, turbulent, incompressible13; flows in Reynolds-averaged- form in general non-orthogonal13; coordinate system. The prediction procedure13; uses a standard K- f turbulence model embodied in13; a finite volume algorithm, originally developed by the13; first author at the Institute for hydromechanics, University13; Karlsruhe, Germany. The code is thoroughly modified13; to handle the boundary conditions at the cut line13; behind the aerofoil for the C-type grids used. Computations13; are carried out for NACA 0012 aerofoils at13; zero angle of attack and for a Korn-Garabadian Aerofoil13; at 5' angle of attack when asymmetric wake is developed. The prediction is validated against experimental results. Experimental validation confirms the prediction procedure to be reasonably accurate for surface pressure, skin-friction coefficient for attached boundary layer flows. In case of asymmetric wake, poor quantitative agreement between prediction and experiment may be attributed to the coarse grid, the upwind/central hybrid discretisation scheme and the inadequacy of Standard Wall Function in resolving the surface boundary layer specially at adverse pressure gradient

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