Synthesis and Properties of Molybdenum Disilicide Based Composites


Molybdenum Disilicide (MoSi } and its composites have attracted considerable interest because of their unique combination of properties. The processing of MoSi 2 composites by the reinforcement of different elements such as Al, Ta, Nb, W. Mo, A1 2 0 , SiC, Si N , ZrO2 and mullite has been reviewed. The addition of c mpounds have been achieved by different methods such as powder metallurgy, soW state displacement, plasma spraying, exothermal dispersion (XD ) and self propagating high temperature synthesis (SIBS). The influence of these additions on the microstructural and mechanical properties have been discussed. The fracture toughness of MoSi 2 i s considerably improved by the ductile and brittle phase reinforcements. An improvement in the creep resistance is achieved by the addition of SiC

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