Towards Domain Completeness for Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars


The analysis of model transformations is a challenging research area within model driven engineering. Triple graph grammars (TGGs) have been applied in various transformation scenarios and their formal foundation has been a vital ground for general results concerning notions of correctness and completeness. This paper addresses existing gaps between practical scenarios and the formal results of TGGs concerning the notion of completeness. Since the source domain language of a model transformation is usually specified independently from the TGG, we use the notion of domain completeness, which requires that the model transformation has to provide a corresponding target model for each model of the source domain language. As main result, we provide a general method for showing that the source domain language is included in the language that is generated by the source rules of the TGG. This provides the first of two components for verifying domain completeness. The running example is the well studied object-relational mapping

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