
A model-derivation framework for timing analysis of Java software Systems


One of the main challenges in developing a software system is to assure that its properties fulfill the specifications. In the context of this paper, we are especially interested in timing properties. Model-based software verification is one of the approaches to achieve this. However, model-based verification requires expressive models of software systems and deriving such models is not a trivial task. Although there are a few model derivation tool proposals for the purpose of model-checking timing properties, these are dedicated tools supporting a selected set of verification techniques and as such they are not explicitly designed for coping with new demands. This paper presents a framework that derives models from Java programs in an automated way for analyzing timing properties. The framework has the following properties that are not provided by the previous proposals: (1) Efficiency in model development, (2) consistency of models with software, (3) expressiveness of models, (4) scalability and (5) extensibility of the model derivation process

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