
Supermassive black holes, star clusters, and stellar discs in galactic nuclei


In this thesis we investigated the structures of the central regions of galaxies. This was done by characterising some aspects of the central massive objects (CMOs) found to live in the galactic nuclei, such as studying the possible formation scenarios, stellar properties and scaling relations using a variety of methods. In Chapter 1 we highlighted the importance of understanding the physical properties of CMOs in galaxies by exploring their possible connection with the host galaxies. We reviewed the previous works on the properties, formations scenarios, and scaling relations of supermassive black holes (SBHs), nuclear star clusters (NSCs), and nuclear stellar discs (NSDs) which reside in galactic nuclei. SBHs are believed to be the cause of the past or present activity of the galaxies. The masses of the SBHs range between 10^6 and 10^10 M_⊙ and can be measured with several methods. SBHs are found to correlate with several properties of their host galaxy and their formation is still unclear. NSCs are commonly found in the centres of both elliptical and disc galaxies. They are very massive (M_NSC∼ 10^5 − 10^8 M_⊙), very compact (r_e ∼ 5 pc), and very bright (−14 < M_I < −10). They can have multiple stellar populations, possessing both an old spheroidal component and a younger elongated disc or ring component. The mass of NSCs tightly correlates with the total mass of the galaxy, but several other correlations have been proposed to link the properties of the NSCs with those of the host galaxy. A combined scenario where star formation occurs in the centre of galaxies after dissipation processes and mass accretes via the mergers of globular clusters seems the more plausible way to form NSCs. NSDs are small (h ∼ 10 − 50 pc) and bright (μ_0,V ∼ 16 − 19 mag arcsec^(−2^) discs. They never dominate the light distribution of the galactic nuclei, and locally contribute at most half the galaxy surface brightness. They are fragile systems and do not survive a major merger. Their stellar population has been studied in details in only a few objects, showing a variety of phenomena. NSDs follow the same relation between the central face-on surface-brightness and the scalelength as the main discs of lenticular and spiral galaxies and embedded discs of early-type galaxies. No other relation was found with the properties of the host galaxy. The external capture or the secular infall of gas into the centre where it accumulates, dissipates and forms stars are the most studied scenarios to form NSDs. SBHs, NSCs, and NSDs have been observed to coexist in some galaxies, rising the question whether they are incarnations of the same object and share a common formation scenario. Then in Chapter 2 we investigated the formation and properties of NSDs by looking for their presence in a set of N−body simulations studying the dissipationless merging of multiple star clusters in galactic nuclei. A few tens of star clusters with sizes and masses comparable to those of globular clusters observed in the Milky Way are accreted onto a pre-existing nuclear stellar component: either a massive super star cluster or a rapidly rotating, compact disc with a scalelength of a few parsecs, mimicking the variety of observed nuclear structures. Images and kinematic maps of the simulation time-steps were then built and analysed as if they were real and at the distance of the Virgo cluster. We used the Scorza-Bender method to search for the presence of disc structures via photometric decomposition. In one case the merger remnant had all the observed photometric and kinematic properties of NSDs observed in real galaxies. This shows that current observations are consistent with most of the NSD mass being assembled from the migration and accretion of star clusters into the galactic centre. In the other simulation instead, we detected an elongated structure from the unsharp masked image, that does not develop the photometric or kinematic signature of an NSD. Thus, in the context of searches for a disc structure, the Scorza-Bender method is a robust and necessary tool. In Chapter 3 we investigated the structure and properties of the stellar population of the nuclear regions of the interacting SB0 galaxy NGC 1023 through a detailed analysis of archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging and ground-based integral-field spectroscopy. The stars of the nuclear disc are remarkably younger and more metal-rich with respect to the host bulge. These findings support a scenario in which the nuclear disc is the end result of star formation in gas piled up in the galaxy centre. The gas can be of either internal or external origin, i.e. from either the main disc of NGC 1023 or the nearby interacting satellite NGC 1023A. The dissipationless formation from already formed stars through the migration and accretion of star clusters into the galactic centre is rejected. In Chapter 4 we presented a dynamical analysis aimed at constraining the mass of the CMOs in the lenticular galaxy NGC 383 at a distance of 63.4 Mpc. The central stellar velocity dispersion is consistent with a putative SBHwith a mass of 5.8 x 10^8 M_⊙. We presented archival HST imaging and spectroscopic observations obtained with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 mounting the F814W filter and the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph using the G570M grism, respectively. The data provide detailed information on the structure and mass profile of the stellar component, the dust optical depth, and the spatial distribution and kinematics of the ionised gas within the innermost region of the galaxy. Dynamical models, which account for the observed stellar mass profile and include the contribution of a NSC and a central SBH, were constructed to reproduce the kinematics derived from the [N II]λ6583 emission line along three slit positions crossing the nucleus and parallel to the galaxy major axis. A secure SBH detection with a mass of 8.5 (+1.8 -1.3) x 10^8 M_⊙ was obtained when a single CMO is considered. If we account for the presence of the NSC, then the masses of the SBH and NSC were 6.0 (+1.8 -1.2) x 10^8 M_⊙ and M_NSC = 8.9 (+5.0 - 3.9) x10^7 M_⊙, respectively. Both are consistent with the scaling relations linking the mass of CMOs with the properties of their host galaxy. These measurements prove that SBHs can coexist with NSCs and represent an important step forward in the characterisation of CMOs. The main conclusions of this thesis can be summarised as follows: 1) NSDs can form via accretion events, but a certain amount of gas is necessary; 2) the young stellar population of the NSD of NGC 1023 suggests a formation via gas dissipation; 3) a SBH and a NSD coexist in NGC 383 and follow different scaling relations with the host galaxy. For the first time we were able to disentangle simultaneously the mass of both the CMOs using dynamical modelling

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