
Nora e il mare. Linee metodologiche della ricerca


The paper traces the origins and importance of the present book as part of the researches carried out in Nora since 1990 by the Universities of Padova, Genova, Viterbo and Milano. After conducting for several years studies and excavations focused on urban ancient buildings and on landscape settlements, with this book the academic team aims to start the rediscovery of unpublished documents reserved in the Archives and particulary rich of informations. We have taken in account the reports written by a group of french researchers, led by M. Cassien and operating in Nora between 1978 and 1984. These long reports present the result of an intensive underwater surveys carried out around the peninsula of Nora. The documents are published in facsimile and translation form; various studies and reviews, concernig the activities and the findings, are also presented

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