
Mechanisms of top-down visual spatial attention: computational and behavioral investigations


This thesis examines the mechanisms underlying visual spatial attention. In particular I focused on top-­‐down or voluntary attention, namely the ability to select relevant information and discard the irrelevant according to our goals. Given the limited processing resources of the human brain, which does not allow to process all the available information to the same degree, the ability to correctly allocate processing resources is fundamental for the accomplishment of most everyday tasks. The cost of misoriented attention is that we could miss some relevant information, with potentially serious consequences. In the first study (chapter 2) I will address the issue of the neural substrates of visual spatial attention: what are the neural mechanisms that allow the deployment of visual spatial attention? According to the premotor theory orienting attention to a location in space is equivalent to planning an eye movement to the same location, an idea strongly supported by neuroimaging and neurophysiological evidence. Accordingly, in this study I will present a model that can account for several attentional effects without requiring additional mechanisms separate from the circuits that perform sensorimotor transformations for eye movements. Moreover, it includes a mechanism that allows, within the framework of the premotor theory, to explain dissociations between attention and eye movements that may be invoked to disprove it. In the second model presented (chapter 3) I will further investigate the computational mechanisms underlying sensorimotor transformations. Specifically I will show that a representation in which the amplitude of visual responses is modulated by postural signal is both efficient and plausible, emerging also in a neural network model trained through unsupervised learning (i.e., using only signals locally available at the neuron level). Ultimately this result gives additional support to the approach adopted in the first model. Next, I will present a series of behavioral studies: in the first (chapter 4) I will show that spatial constancy of attention (i.e., the ability to sustain attention at a spatial location across eye movements) is dependent on some properties of the image, namely the presence of continuous visual landmarks at the attended locations. Importantly, this finding helps resolve contrasts between several recent results. In the second behavioral study (chapter 5), I will investigate an often neglected aspect of spatial cueing paradigms, probably the most widely used technique in studies of covert attention: the role of cue predictivity (i.e. the extent to which the spatial cue correctly indicates the location where the target stimulus will appear). Results show that, independently of participant’s awareness, changes  in predictivity result in changes in spatial validity effects, and that reliable shifts of attention can take place also in the absence of a predictive cue. In sum the results question the appropriateness of using predictive cues for delineating pure voluntary shifts of spatial attention. Finally, in the last study I will use a psychophysiological measure, the diameter of the eye’s pupil, to investigate intensive aspects of attention. Event-­‐related pupil dilations accurately mirrored changes in visuospatial awareness induced by a dual-­‐task manipulation that consumed attentional resources. Moreover, results of the primary spatial monitoring task revealed a significant rightward bias, indicated by a greater proportion of missed targets in the left hemifield. Interestingly this result mimics the extinction to double simultaneous stimulation (i.e., the failure to respond to a stimulus when it is presented simultaneously with another stimulus) which is often found in patients with unilateral brain damage. Overall, these studies present an emerging picture of attention as a complex mechanism that even in its volitional aspects is modulated by other non-­‐volitional factors, both external and internal to the individua

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