Modeling and evaluating human-mediated dispersal mechanisms at landscape scale: a study of road network and invasion parameters for Lasius neglectus ants invasive species


International audienceAnts invasive species Biological invasions are considered, right after climate and land use changes, to be one of the principal causes of biodiversity erosion. This phenomenon is related to global change, since climate and land use modifications affect environmental conditions, and are partly responsible for the introduction and proliferation of exotic species into new environments. Furthermore, human-mediated dispersal acts as a dispersal vector for many exotic species, both at the introduction and secondary spread stages. On the one hand, introduction stage is a consequence of human-mediated long distance dispersal, due to human activities (and especially commercial exchanges), and is known to happen at large spatial scales (continental or global scales). On the other hand, secondary spread occurs at smaller spatial and time scales (like landscape scale) and can be provided by natural and human-mediated dispersal mechanisms, once the introduction had brought the exotic species into a novel environment, and after it has succeeded in establishing itself (i.e. survive and reproduce). Few works have pointed out the role of these second stages in small-scale invasive species spread. And yet, a lot of invasive species are susceptible to be partly or completely dispersed by local human processes happening at local spatial and time scales (materials transportation, for example). The lack of consideration for this potential important mode of dispersal seems to be the consequence of multiple factors: human-mediated dispersal is generally considered as a long distance dispersal process, more responsible for invasive species introduction than for secondary spread, it is difficult to qualify and quantify this mode of dispersal because of the multiplicity of potentially involved human activities being its vector, for a given organism that can disperse naturally, it is complicated to distinguish between natural and human-mediated dispersal, as they may occur at similar scale.In this paper, we study the spreading pattern of Lasius neglectus, an invasive ant species originated from Anatoly, which invaded Europe in the last decades and which is currently present in the Rhône valley, in France. We present a numerical model enabling the estimation of multiple human-mediated dispersal parameters, based on ground-truth sampling and minimizing a priori

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