Sensor and Actuator Systems for Active Flow Control


An adaptive flow separation control is designed and implemented as it is an essential part of the high lift airfoil designed in B1. The state of the flow is measured nonintrusively using pressure and hot-film sensors implemented on the top side of the airfoil. To avoid flow separation on the Coanda flap a closed loop controlled system is realized using a pressurized mass flow m added to the flow on the Coanda flap. The essential designs of the sensors and actuators are described in [1]. The following article reports on the fabrication and implementation of the combined actuator and sensor system. This includes the fabrication methods, the assembling and tests prior to theirs usage on the high lift airfoil. Hereby a key aspect is the water resistance of the assemblies since they are designed to be used in a water tunnel environment. Furthermore this condition has a high impact on the physical behavior of both the sensors and actuators, which is quantified in additional tests

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