New Technologies for Efficient Rotorcraft


Onera and DLR are both national research centres involved in aeronautic research since early 1900. In 1998, Onera and DLR signed an agreement to join their competencies and manpower in the helicopter and tilt rotor domain, following in this matter the helicopter manufacturer Eurocopter. Furthermore, DLR and Onera have a strong partnership with industry and intensive links with academia. Together or by their own Onera and DLR are cooperating with many other research centres worldwide. The paper presents selected results obtained in the cooperation within the last years such as computational tools (e.g. CFD development and validation for aerodynamics and aeroacoustic), noise studies (e.g. noise abatement flight procedures), new technologies for active rotor control and active blades, flight mechanics and handling quality studies, recent developments for tiltrotor applications, ballistic protection and helicopter flight tests

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