Application of SimSound to an analytical example and to real cases of railway rolling noise


The implementation of SimSound as a tool for the acoustic postprocessing of multi-body simulations including flexible bodies has been described in a previous report, Carrarini (2008a). In the present one, the application of SimSound to an analytical example and to two real cases of railway noise is reported: - Plate: A simply supported rectangular plate is excited by a point force. As an exact analytical solution for this problem can be given, this case has been used to check the implementation. - Switch gap: A railway vehicle crosses a switch; the impact due to the wheel rolling over the rail gap in the central part of the switch (the so called frog) causes strong vibrations of the wheelsets and thus impulsive noise. - Rough rail: A railway vehicle runs over rough rails. A similar example was reported in Carrarini (2008b) but in the present work real measured roughness data (courtesy of Prof. Hecht, TU Berlin, Fachgebiet Schienenfahrzeuge) has been used

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