This review suggests that consideration of curriculum and qualification needs is relevant for all learners, and especially those who are at risk of becoming not in education, employment or training (NEET). Common themes to consider are: the need for positive teaching approaches that adapt to meet young people’s needs; supportive and informal environments to learn where young people can achieve success; supportive relationships with teachers; high quality advice and guidance; and the availability of high quality curricula and qualification options (including vocationally-related options) that give young people opportunities to progress to their choice of further learning or employment.
Much of the literature comments, to some extent, on how the curriculum and qualifications can influence young people’s engagement with learning, but rarely makes links with the segment of NEET young people who are ‘open to learning’ or ‘undecided’ about their futures but at risk of temporary disengagement from learning. This suggests that there is currently a gap in research around effective strategies to engage or re-engage those who are ‘open to learning’, or ‘undecided’ NEETs. This gap will be the focus of the From Education to Employment theme within The NFER Research Programme