
Western Australian state election 2013


This paper provides a narrative account of the issues, dynamics and outcomes of the 2013 Western Australian (WA) state election. It draws extensively on newspaper and electronic media coverage of the election campaign , and information and data provided by the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) .The 2013 WA state general election — held on 9 March 2013 — was the first election to be held after legislation was proclaimed in 2011 to fix the date of state general election s as the second Saturday in March, every four years. Previously, the Legislative Council had fixed four year terms, but the Legislative Assembly was elected for up to four years commencing from the date of its first meeting following a general election.The Electoral Amendment and Constitution Act 2011 passed through the WA Parliament in 2011 and was proclaimed on 20 December 2011. It amended the Electoral Act 1907 and the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 to enable this fixed date for state general elections in Western Australia.New electoral boundaries applied for the 2013 WA election. After a review in 2011, boundaries were drawn in line with local changes in elector numbers.The last state general election was held on Saturday, 6 September 2008. The next state general election is due on Saturday, 11 March 2017

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