
Einfluss unterschiedlicher Kraftfuttermengen auf klinische und pansenhistologische Parameter bei abgesetzten Ziegenkitzen


The objective of this study was to examine the influences of different levels of grain in the ration on clinical parameters and histological variables of the rumen epithelium. Seventeen 4-months old goats were allocated to three feeding groups (hay, 30 % grain, 60 % grain). After an adaptation time of three weeks the goats were fed four weeks the experimental ration, weekly adjusted to the body weight. Pulse, respiration, rumen activity and fecal consistency were recorded at the beginning and the end of the adaptation and experimental period, respectively. In the first and fifth week rumen liquid was collected via tube. At the end of the experiment goats were euthanized and rumen liquid was collected for pH measuring, and rumen epithelium for histological examination. Feeding grain in 4 months old goats had influence on clinical parameters (within physiological ranges) and fecal score. A differentiation of the rumen epithelium was recorded with thickness of the stratum corneum. Feeding more grain was associated with lowered rumen pH. In conclusion, although clinical and histological changes were detected in goats in response to feeding different amounts of grain, these changes did not show consequences for clinical health except for fecal consistency

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