
Analyse von Auswirkungen verschiedener Optionen einer GAP nach 2013 auf biologisch wirtschaftende Betriebe in Österreich


The aim of this study is to analyze alternative options of a Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 and their consequences for farms in Austria. Projections about the development of agricultural markets are based on OECD-FAO forecasts. Using these price projections, three alternative policy scenarios have been developed for a period beyond 2013, which are compared with a baseline scenario. The three policy scenarios encompass different assumptions on specific measures in the dairy sector and higher modulation (13% versus the existing rate of 5%) as well as budget cuts in the first pillar of CAP of 30% and 50%, respectively. All the scenarios have been analyzed with the farm optimization system FAMOS, which differentiates among 5.796 typical farms in Austria. FAMOS has been expanded and considers now the law of diminishing costs and labor requirements with respect to farm size. Model results are presented for organic and conventional farms by means of frequency distributions on percentage changes in total gross margins. The results clearly indicate that uniform policy changes can affect farms quite differently. There are winners and losers, which have been identified according to farm characteristics

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