Putting an Emphasis on Local and Healthy Living


Local First is an organization located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, that works to promote a lifestyle built upon local product consumption. Local First works with a wide variety of compa-­‐ nies to achieve this goal and is not limited to one specific area of the market. Four students from Grand Valley State University have teamed up with Local First to address and improve ar-­‐ eas in need of attention. Nutrition, Diversity, and public awareness of Local First are current areas described as needing improvement by both the students and the Local First executive as-­‐ sistant. Students designed, printed, and distributed a brochure specifically focused on increas-­‐ ing public awareness of the importance of eating nutritional food, as well as how to do so through local food sources. Determining what information is most effective for the limited space a brochure offers is one of the challenge we dealt with during the early design stages of the project. Despite the initial success of the brochure, further work is needed with Local First in order to keep expanding on the importance of nutritional eating achieved locally. Future partners should focus on working with more Local First partners (restaurant owners, farmers, local market owners, etc…) in order to provide the Grand Rapids community with more options on where to obtain nutritional local food

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