Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury Gap Analysis


Hospital acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) were identified as an area for a quality improvement (QI) project in a progressive care unit (PCU) in a Midwestern Hospital. In order to reduce HAPIs and provide the best possible preventative care, a gap analysis between the current care practices on the progressive care unit and the best evidence-based practice recommendations for HAPI prevention in the areas of risk/skin assessment, surface support, nutrition and hydration, repositioning/movement, moisture management, and prophylactic dressings was conducted. The Model for Improvement (MFI) was the QI framework that guided this pressure injury gap analysis. The goals of this gap analysis were to identify, collect, and compile information in the areas of risk/skin assessment, support surfaces, nutrition and hydration, repositioning/mobilization, moisture management, friction/shear, and prophylactic dressings. The aim of this QI project was to reduce the incidence of HAPIs in the PCU microsystem and identify the best possible evidence-based HAPI preventative care by examining existing practices and processes that are currently implemented and compare them to the most current CPG recommendations. The evaluation of this information/data will identify opportunities for future QI projects to improve outcomes for HAPI prevention within this microsystem

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