Excuse Me. Is That a Video Studio in Your Library?


Do you get questions from users who have the need to check out cameras or equipment to create a video for a project? Have you wondered what it would involve to create or convert a space that patrons could use for video or audio creation and editing? Does this all seem too daunting or expensive? It is doable and this presentation will give you examples of ways to create a program on limited funds. Although many faculty and teachers now require student projects to be presented in a multimodal format, it is rarely feasible for each department or school to acquire all of the technology needed to support those efforts, the employees knowledgeable in both technology support and media creation, or conversely to require that each student purchase the equipment. This presentation will provide details of the Media Commons at the Undergraduate Library at the University of Illinois, which serves as a centralized service space that houses a robust loanable technology program and a collaborative laboratory that facilitates the creation of video and audio projects. It is an environment that helps to foster discussion and collaboration from students and faculty to help create solutions through technology. The Media Commons is a service space that offers users the ability to create, disseminate, use, and curate digital media. It meets a need for broad access to media creation tools, video and audio training, and instruction in media literacy. Highlighted will be the three separate video production spaces that were created with limited funds; each focusing on different patron types. Through video clips and examples of case uses, the audience will view the range of possibilities available to provide students and faculty opportunities to create quality videos and to learn of best practices in video and audio creation. The spaces include low cost transformations of a conference room to a video production studio, transformation of two study rooms to Do-IT-Yourself video studios, and the collaboration with campus partners to bring in portable studios. The speakers will provide strategies for developing resources and support for video and audio production and implementation suggestions

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