Roundabout Maintenance Manual


In recent years, roundabouts have been rapidly growing in popularity. As a result, many communities are installing them in their roadways; however, they are encountering difficulties in maintaining them. Uneducated workers can cause damage to roundabouts and to themselves, costing cities time and money. This project aims to create a guide for communities new to roundabouts in order to reduce damages and unnecessary maintenance costs. Data was gathered by determining the most common maintenance questions and problems along with what information was already available on roundabout maintenance. Next, agencies most experienced with roundabouts were surveyed on the best maintenance practices. The responses from interview subjects gave detailed information on winter maintenance, summer maintenance, pavement maintenance, and vehicle and pedestrian access during maintenance activities. The data was compiled to create the roundabout maintenance manual. The guide created from the data collection will be helpful for communities new to roundabouts and serve as a reference for agencies in Indiana and surrounding states. In future years, the methods established in this guide should be re-evaluated and updated

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