Experimental evaluation of CO2 ejector cooling system for supermarkets at tropical zones


Cooling system for supermarkets, now-a-days in developing countries like India, mainly use man-made synthetic refrigerants/mixtures such as R134a, R404A and R410A (HFCs). These fluorinated refrigerants possess outrageous impact on the environment/ambient due of their high GWP and ODP. The EU F-gas regulation is formulated recently and came into force in 2014 in order to restrict the use of synthetic refrigerants for various HVAC applications. Under this regulation, it is also illegal to vent any such synthetic refrigerants to the atmosphere during the system servicing or end-of-life decommissioning. Sudden phase down of HFCs forced the present scenario to identify a potential replacement of these synthetic refrigerants. The influence of the same is comparatively high for developing countries. In the present study, the performance of a multi-ejector based supermarket cooling system is experimentally evaluated using natural refrigerant carbon dioxide (CO2). 33 kW cooling capacity of the system which is capable of maintaining three simultaneous different temperatures such as -29 °C for freezing, -6 °C for refrigeration and 7-11 °C for air-conditioning is examined at high ambient temperature context (up to 46 ºC gas cooler outlet temperature). The maximum COP of the supermarket cooling system appeared as 4.2. It is also observed that the maximum exergy efficiency of system is 0.316 obtained corresponding to 3.2 PIR of the system

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