Zinc Oxide-on-Silicon Surface Acoustic Wave Devices


A monolithic ZnO-on-silicon surface acoustic wave (SAW) memory correlator has been fabricated which utilizes induced junctions separated by ion implanted regions to store a reference signal. The performance characteristics of this device have been investigated including storage time, dynamic range, and degenerate convolution efficiency. Verification of the existence of charge storage regions is possible prior to completed device fabrication. A theory explaining the charge storage process is developed and applied to the implant-isolated storage correlator. The implant-isolated correlator theory is applied to related structures which employ slightly different storage mechanisms. The ion implanted correlator is used to determine the wave potential associated with a propagating SAW. Characteristics of ZnO-on-Si SAW resonators with sputtered ZnO films limited to the interdigital transducer (IDT) regions are investigated. Upper limits on propagation loss for surface waves on silicon substrates are determined by employing externally coupled limited ZnO SAW resonators. Resonator Q-values are enhanced by restricting the lossy ZnO area and predictions are made as to achievable Q-values for resonators fabricated in the externally coupled configuration. Experimental results for limited ZnO, internally coupled ZnO-on-Si resonators are also given. A complete theory for the mode conversion resonator is presented which predicts the array separation for proper device operation. The theory also gives way to a special condition for spatial ndependence of resonator output with respect to IDT placement. Mode conversion resonators are fabricated which experimentally verify these predictions

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