Demetilacija N,N-dimetilbenzenamina i N,N,3-trimetilbenzenamina pomoću cijelih stanica plijesni Aspergillus terreus


N,N-dimethylbenzenamine and N,N,3-trimethylbenzenamine were N-demethylated through enzymatic reactions mediated by whole cells of Aspergillus terreus strains SSP 1498, URM 3371 and URM 3571. The respective products, N-methylbenzenamine and N,3-dimethylbenzenamine, were obtained in high conversions under both neutral and basic conditions. The oxidative N-demethylation of tertiary aromatic amines by A. terreus was not enhanced by the presence of the oxidant tert-butylperoxide, although further demethylation of N,N-dimethylbenzenamine to aniline was observed. The strains of the investigated A. terreus were unable to perform the dealkylation of N,N-diethylbenzenamine.N,N-dimetilbenzenamin i N,N,3-trimetilbenzenamin demetilirani su enzimskim reakcijama kataliziranim pomoću cijelih stanica sojeva Aspergillus terreus SSP 1498, URM 3371 i URM 3571. U kiseloj i lužnatoj sredini dobiveni su veliki udjeli proizvoda, tj. N-metilbenzenamina i N,3-dimetilbenzenamina. Dodatak oksidansa tert-butilnog peroksida nije pospješio oksidativnu N-demetilaciju tercijarnih aromatskih amina, kataliziranu pomoću plijesni A. terreus, ali je doveo do daljnje demetilacije N,N-dimetilbenzenamina u anilin. Ispitani sojevi A. terreus nisu pospješili dealkilaciju N,N-dietilbenzenamina

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